
Phone: 701-277-1022 Toll Free: 1-877-915-8790 Fax: 701-277-0945

Request a Quote

North Country Marketing Inc. is continually looking for dealers to market products to the end user. A protected territory is offered to Stocking Dealers.

  • Certificate of Resale

  • I hereby certify that I hold a
  • Sales and Use Tax permit, number
  • I am engaged in the business of selling, leasing, or renting
  • I further certify that all tangible personal property purchased from North Country Marketing, Inc. is purchased b y me for resale. I further certify that I will report and remit any sales tax and any penalties which attach as a result of purchase from the above seller which are consumed by me.
  • Business References

  • Please enter a number from 1111 to 9999.